Zoe Berman Headshot
Zoë Berman
2023-24 Dissertation Fellow

Zoë Berman is a doctoral student in the Department of Comparative Human Development. Her research focuses on the intergenerational transmission and transformation of memory in Rwanda, the ways global biomedical discourses of memory intersect with local understandings of mental health and collective healing across different contexts, and the ways in which identity and community are remade after conflict. Zoë received her BA in Anthropology from New York University (2012) and MA degrees from the University of Chicago Masters of the Arts Program in the Social Science (MAPSS) (2015) and Department of Comparative Human Development (2018). She has been working in Rwanda since 2011 and her research has been funded by the Fulbright International Institute of Education (IIE), the Wenner Gren Foundation, and the National Science Foundation.

Dissertation: Ideology at the Hearth: Intergenerational Memory and the Politics of Identity in Post-Genocide Rwanda