Sana Jaffrey
Sana Jaffrey
2017-18 CISSR Dissertation Fellow


Sana Jaffrey is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science. She is interested in comparative democratization, political violence and governance of non-state security actors in Southeast Asia. Her dissertation project investigates the rise and entrenchment of vigilantism in new democracies. Specifically, she draws on original quantitative data and extensive fieldwork in Indonesia to show how legacies of authoritarian state-building interact with democratic politics to produce sub-national patterns of order and disorder.    

Before coming to Chicago in 2013, Sana led the design and implementation of the National Violence Monitoring System (NVMS) program at the World Bank’s Jakarta office. She has a BA from the University from Pennsylvania and an MA from the University of Michigan. Read more about Sana’s research and publications at: